What are the faults of the trolley furnace

Nov. 18, 2020

Failure analysis of trolley furnace

1. Gear failure

   Many parts of the trolley furnace electric furnace equipment are all equipped with reduction gears. The two corresponding joint surfaces of the gears are easily worn out by force. This is an important inspection point for equipment repair and maintenance. The fault can be judged by the sound and vibration during operation.

   Normally, the cause of failure is mainly due to processing and assembly errors and excessive mechanical load. At this time, preventive maintenance can be carried out through regular inspection, adjustment, and correction.

2, rolling bearing failure

  Rolling bearings are the weak point of rotating machinery. According to statistics, about 30% of the failures of rotating machinery are caused by the damage of rolling bearings. The main causes of bearing damage to the trolley furnace are normal wear, poor installation, oil shortage or deterioration in the bearing, and long-term overload operation.

  In order to avoid these problems, you can decide whether to replace with a new oil quality by checking whether the bearing is installed correctly, regularly checking the bearing oil quality, etc., or reducing the load to extend the life of the rolling bearing.

3. Overall equipment failure

  Through the statistics and analysis of the causes of resistance furnace failures, preventive maintenance work should be done in advance through regular inspections, adjustments and maintenance, etc., and prevention first, to ensure prevention in the future. These work can effectively reduce downtime and eliminate safety hazards.